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Monat: Februar 2007

Difference between Lemmings and market operators

This I just asked myself. All they run after each other, no one knows who is leader and where the trip is going. Just because someone in Shanghai made a wrong deal they loose somewhat 3 % worldwide at the stock market. Together they bloat a big balloon and everyone fears, it could burst – but nobody stops pumping. Nobody wants to be stupid and loose a chance to betray money without work.

If you look at it globally, in a wide range, stock market is somehow social: Either all win or all will loose. What an insight – all neo-liberal market operators are in fact damned communists! The Sowjet Union ain’t dead yet.

I mean, seriously, it seems money can be a turn on, but it has no biological life and cannot increase itself. If you made win on a stock, someone must have sweat for it.

It’s easy to make wrong deals with stolen money, besides of an impending heart attack. But it’s the dog biting in its own tail. Maybe it should bite the balloon. The big bang could be a chance for a new, better start.

Published inEconomy

Big times

The last few days I learned many things. First of all: Screen media ARE NOT print media. After I did all my script sizes with points (as any layouter does) I changed all to em (a relative mesurement like percent, as any webdesigner does). Well, my mistake… But now letters should look more the same in different browsers.

Then, I added the gallery, with two sets of … but look for yourself 🙂 . Then, I added the forum, as a place for a guestbook and for site problem reports, for deeper discussions (me don’t like big discussions in a blog comment area) and as a support place for any computer related questions, since I’m kind of a geek and know some help, maybe.

And yes, now there’s a German part on the welcome site. But French, Italian, Arabic, Hindi and Chinese is still missing. Hm, when I think about it – Chinese I’ll boycott eventually…

Published inWebsite

Advanced search form

Yay, this search form will search through everything, if desired. The css data of this plug in is extremly well done and was a lot easyer to adapt for my design than that from the contact form yesterday.

I also managed to exclude the search page from the page menu on the left side. I will try to link the original wordpress search field (which only searches blog entries) with the advanced search. Hope I can manage that.

The right sidebar becomes more and more intelligent – now realizes what content is shown and brings up matching content. Without having different template files with different sidebars, so maintaining is a lot easyer. This is very imprtant for lazy men like me, although it means more work at the beginning… That’s the price to pay.

Published inWebsite

One more night…

…hacked away. Formating is mostly finished, for the right sidebar I wrote a script which should display link-categories matching the pages one is viewing and implemented a contact form that should be secure against spam bots. Working with .css is great, but a complex thing, particularly if it’s not the own one.

Next will be the forum and galery to set up – and hopefully some inspiring content. Time to attract some visitors…

Published inWebsite

Getting on

Just a short note: I adapted the templates to my needs and set up the first structure. Soon I need some content. If I don’t need to hack away the nights anymore, I’ll get some time to write. And to sleep…

Published inWebsite

Tweaking, tweaking, tweaking!

Tweaking again. Hacking some php-file. Testing. Move a pixel up, a pixel left – damn, back again. Testing…

I’m getting closer. I still need a nice logo. In the content area it cuts off about 10 pixels on the right side, and I can’t find a reason. For now I left this out.

But I’m very happy with the look. And tired – I’ll go and listen to my pillow what it has to tell. Good night.

Published inWebsite

New Look!

Phew, here is the new look.

Magellan-10 WordPress ThemeThis was the original skin and I hope, I can achive some warmer feel. Tell me if you like it 😉 !

Hacking a cleanly written css file is quite easy, but still I am not shure how to use the stilesheet for pages. I will see… To program python is much easyer.

So, now is time for a template page to genetate some more content – check this place again.

Published inWebsite

New Theme

Finally I found a theme that fits my needs. To fit my eye I’ll work some on the colors, then finally I’ll start to build the rest of the site. Man, I program python, but this html gives me the willies! It’s 5 am again…

Published inWebsite

Hello world!

This is my first post here 🙂 . Not even my index.htm page exists but my blog. So let’s stop sneaking through the options here and start working…! Stay tuned.

Published inWebsite