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Schlagwort: money

Frozen people in Europe: Just a small question

kissing sleeping bags
What may a man dream freezing to death? This... (picture source)

Governments donated billions to the financial industry, and so managers and their bodyguards, villas, security cams, pools and bank accounts got subsidized in a way farmers would never dream of.

For a really real small-small part of that money it would have been possible to buy some sleeping bags for all these men and women who had to freeze to death in this winter: 212 since November 2009, up to now, in Europe.

It’s a shame! Why don’t we do that?

Sleeping bag
... or that?

I think, the answer is only logical: All who are in responsibility think in resources: money, oil, accounts, pools, human resources etc. So you have frozen resources? Don’t panic – just defrost it! No resource need a sleeping bag. Beside the upper ten thousand when they go camping.

But they are not a resource, they are God. And God made it that way…

Published inPoliticsSocietyThink!

Let’s make money: The movie


Went to watch this documentary last weekend and been deeply impressed! From an artistic point of view: It’s a piece of art! From a didactic point of view: It’s brilliant! Looking at it’s content: You simply hear the naked truth.

Now you might think this is a film where you’ll walk out and go to jump straight form the next bridge. You’ll not. Perhaps you’ll hesitate to buy your next comemercial ultra-cheap t-shirt in favor to a fair traded one — but I won’t consider that bad. 🙂

Furthermore you might start to see who’s working for your money which’s working for you. And you might ask yourself whether it is right to steal the persons produced overvalue, especially because best profit comes from places with blood on streets.

One could write a big pile of books about this, so I stop here. And it’s much easier for you to go and watch this movie than to read a pile of books! I promise you’ll see things differently afterwards — if you already do you’ll be glad to be part of a new species with open eyes. You’ll have pity on the ones who can’t see that their way had turned out a dead end, as some said since decades and even longer.

Official Homepage (ger)

Let’s make money on Wikipedia, MySpace, Facebook, YouTube, the International Movie Database and a German Homepage.

ATM I haven’t found an official english homepage of the film. I’ll post an update and please let me know if you have a link, thanks.

World bank
World bank: Fasten your seat belts!
Published inEconomyPoliticsSocietyThink!

The story of stuff

The story of stuffHave you ever bought a radio for € 7.50? Ever asked yourself how it is possible to pay for the high tech insides, the plastic housing, the disposal of toxic waste from production, the fees, the transport from China, the margins of producer, dealer and seller with out of this low amount?

Did you ever thought about what goes on before and after you buy stuff? In this 20 minute animation you’ll get a firm overview of the whole process: earn resources, production, distribution, selling and disposal of waste. Where does our consumption lead us?

Probably this is nothing new to you — nevertheless it’s fun to watch this piece of art, which shows in a surprisingly clear and funny manner the complex connections, the big picture of what is going on when you buy stuff.

You won’t feel sad after, because Annie don’t point a finger at you saying «You’re a dumb, mean destroyer». You’ll feel like «Wow, why don’t we change that, I want to».

This is great educational stuff! Show and talk about this with you children and everyone who wants to know or wonders. And them who don’t too! They will go 😯 !

Published inEcologyEconomyThink!

When will we fairvote?

So, first, let me throw some numbers at you:

  • In USA, between 1979 and 2005, the income of the poorest households increased by 1.3 % annually, the average income less than 1 %, the top revenues by 200 %. If you calculate the latter after tax it even grew 228 %.
  • The richest percent in the USA earned between 2002 and 2006 3/4 from the earnings growth. Statistically followed by Great Britain, Spain and Switzerland (oh my!).
  • In Germany, two tenth own about 80 % from the assets.
  • In 2007, top managers income grew 25 % in Germany.
  • Etc, you know what I mean…

(via misswirtschaft.blogspot.com, german. Get the data on US-income here.)

The gap between rich and poor

In the 1920s we had about the same extraordinary mess, followed by the great depression in the 30s. As a consequence (also because WW II), in the middle 50s the highest US tax rate was 91 %, the one for corporate profits 45 %. But today?

We all know who is responsible for todays inequity. It’s not me, not you (well, the chances are about 1:10), it’s not God, it’s neither Mickey Mouse nor Dagobert Duck. It’s THEM! If one points at someone, three fingers point at yourself, so we know who is THEM: We ALL are.

We are in the advantageous situation where we all vote every day several times. Do you buy Nestlé or regional products? On which bank do you save your money? Do you use escalators and go to your fitness center by car? Who do you vote for, politically? Do you buy fast or organic food? Do you buy and travel fair?

US-taxes 1979-2005Profit (or a real fair amount of) belongs to the one who spins the screw driver. Why let we the one who paid for the screw driver steal the profit? And, finally, why is this thefts income tax rate even lower than the one of them who are cleaning his office? Who is doing the real work here, the dollar?

We all know from our own inner temptation that everyone thinks of himself first. So why do we vote for the rich? Do we believe the rich must be wise? Or do we believe they do know to deal with crisis because they became rich? Have we all missed Dagobert Duck stories in our youth?

Everywhere you can read who and what is responsible for the actual crisis. The Neocons/-liberals have proofed themselves as not survivable without their hated, „over regulating“ governments and state banks paying for their mess. Why can’t we simply stop this behavior? What are we afraid of? Of loosing our employment? Todays production is in China because we vote for the thefts rules — we vote for our own crisis every day. Why is this so hard to understand?


Diversification is good for social stability — but it seems we don’t want a peaceful society. In the end we shoot ourselves in our homes, schools and on streets, out of frustration and fear. Sometimes this system is unbelievable: We vote for our own slavery while believing to be free, and when we check our misery, we execute ourselves. Is this the meaning of life? Or maybe an intermediate step in our evolution? Hopefully we will evolve a bit cleverer than lemmings

Published inEconomyPoliticsSocietyThink!

A dollars wondrous journey

Hello, today’s Blog Action Day! So here’s my post. Since it’s about environment and I thought there are so many experts better than me out there, I’ll write a nice little tale. Well, finally it got a bit oversized, because I tried to tell this and to tell that too, and those points seems important, and so on. There are no Karl-May-like lengthy descriptions, but our little friend stumbles from one adventure into the next before he reaches his destiny.

So I hope you take your time and enjoy the reading! However, I had fun writing it. And please leave a note. 🙂

A dollars wondrous journey

American DollarOnce upon a time there was a lonesome Dollar. It was not very beautiful – more the average type of a green printed piece of paper. He was very ambitious and wanted to make more out of his live. So he decided to go out into the big, wide world to see it all – and to become more beautiful, as every dollar wants to be.

By chance he found himself in Indonesia. He remembered that rainforest is considered as a good place to become more beautiful – for the price of only one tree. «There are so many trees» he thought, «nobody will miss it if I’ll take one».

Short time later he felt more beautiful because it had taken the trees beauty and Dollar was very pleased with himself. But, on the other hand, he felt no longer independent. «Doesn’t matter» he told himself matter-of-factly, and was magically drawn along with the tree over the ocean to America.

ErosionHe never looked behind and so he couldn’t see all the other dollars hunting for beauty in the woods and the trees vanishing one by one. Very quickly the rainforests was cleared of trees – which enhanced neatness and visibility of the environment enormously – and also in making Dollars more beautiful. Problem was, once the forests were deserted, no dollars came anymore. People in now raindesert-countries started to fight each other out of frustration and lack of education to free themselves from their anger. Many times their leaders told them to do so because they feared the powers from the poor. And as long as they fought each other, they wouldn’t fight the leaders.

In America, in the meantime, the tree had ended up as a door case. Our dollar was owned by an international habitation proprietor, now ten times more beautiful. Although he was not free anymore, he had a good life and enjoyed his beauty. To become even more beautiful, he was sent to Germany: There were low cost housings for sale and they promised much beauty. After some home-improvement projects that made the workers sweat, Dollar pocketed his first slice of beauty.

PlattenbauThen the buildings were sold again and our dollar got his second slice of beauty. He returned to America twenty times as beautiful as when he arrived in Europe. Again he didn’t look back and therefore couldn’t see the tears of families which didn’t find a payable flat anymore. And those who could afford high lease prices had to live in energy wasting houses full of toxic materials. It paid the most beauty – for Dollar.

Published inEcologyEconomyFunPoliticsSocietyThink!

Difference between Lemmings and market operators

This I just asked myself. All they run after each other, no one knows who is leader and where the trip is going. Just because someone in Shanghai made a wrong deal they loose somewhat 3 % worldwide at the stock market. Together they bloat a big balloon and everyone fears, it could burst – but nobody stops pumping. Nobody wants to be stupid and loose a chance to betray money without work.

If you look at it globally, in a wide range, stock market is somehow social: Either all win or all will loose. What an insight – all neo-liberal market operators are in fact damned communists! The Sowjet Union ain’t dead yet.

I mean, seriously, it seems money can be a turn on, but it has no biological life and cannot increase itself. If you made win on a stock, someone must have sweat for it.

It’s easy to make wrong deals with stolen money, besides of an impending heart attack. But it’s the dog biting in its own tail. Maybe it should bite the balloon. The big bang could be a chance for a new, better start.

Published inEconomy