Another unnessessary blog for big noses and other organic humans interested in music, evolution, science and spirituality.
Ab und an finde ich es ganz angenehm, daran erinnert zu werden, wie es denn wäre, im Krieg zu sein.
Eine unglaubliche Erlösung folgt daraus, es zum Ersten August nicht sein zu müssen – wie so viele Menschen. Das müsste doch wirklich nicht sein. Oder nicht?
(at least the 99% over there)
This is Ronny, and on his Facebook page he wrote (or
It’s facinating to see the world’s regions in a kind of likewise status: The fear of Islam and migration gave us a distinctive shift to the right, with a result of xenophobic politics and things like the initiative for a minarett ban. The sudden popularity of nationalism amd rassism surprised politicians and intellectuals. Now is the same thing in the Middle East: Politicians, despots and intellectuals are surprised how fast peaceful protests spread all over the region. The global public was not aware how near the tipping points were and are. Me included.
So the questions coming up: Who benefits from the situation? And why now?
I think the economic crisis plays a major role in the game. Costs of living are rising everywhere. And like my father alway said: You can deny your people food or the right to speak – but not both. And the crisis took the food (through price increase) – so people stand up, where they cannot speak (or are not heard).
Then, if one would belive in conspiracies, it could be a modern kind of scorched earth policy: If we cannot have them, nobody should have them – where nobody is China. China can can get economic control – what it will – but not political anymore, because the corrupt leaders are gone. If a country becomes democratic, it becomes self-determined. You can control a despot in a direct manner, but not a democracy: Berlusconi cannot control Italy like Gadhaffi can do in Lybia.
So if the economic crisis is a contingency like 9/11, then it was damn good luck for the neoliberals, always in the right time. First a long game of dominating the Middle East, which was control though a kind of balance of force (terror vs repression). When it got to dangerous, the USA made its threat real to gain balance again: We CAN shoot! But the islamic world was not terrorized. The attempt to conquer Iraq followed, politically possible because of 9/11: Democracy through a military strategy. Then the crisis, government depts, new credits, austerity policies, price increases, you know the stuff.
Everything is, if not good, perfect for the neoliberals. Either way to redistribute money from down upwards, to gain profit in other ways or to buy stability and control. If it works like this the crisis was a high price, yes, but the bill is paid by you and me. Banks get our money through old-age provisions, make governments to need money, lend it, and we pay the interest for our own money throuigh taxes. And they get all the transaction fees. Crappy game.
However, I wish the New World Movement will be as «lucky» in the next decades as the Neoliberals were in the last. It’s facinating to see that not only the powerful can play the claviature of fear! I bet the cumulative fear of all regimes right now is a global record. Satisfactory to see the masses stay calm allthou they get shot at and that thugs cannot seed riots. All together I think it’s a sign and the world is not the same anymore, inshallah!
«Water, thou hast no taste, no color, no odor; canst not be defined, art relished while ever mysterious. Not necessary to life, but rather life itself, thou fillest us with a gratification that exceeds the delight of the senses.» (Quote by Antoine de Saint-Exupery, From Wind, Sand and Stars, 1939)
Do you know Armajaro, an investment firm based in London, specialised within the cocoa and coffee markets? A week ago I read about them the first time: The WochenZeitung (German) wrote that Armajaro bought cocoa beans on the European market. Above 240’000 metric tons, worth over $ 1’000’000’000, to be exact, sometime between July and September it seems – the equivalent of almost the entire supply of the commodity in Liffe-registered warehouses across Europe. Or about 7% of the annually, global production. But guess, this was not the first time.
In August 2002 Armajaro acquired 204’000 tons of cocoa beans and, as it seems, gained $ 64’000’000 out of the deal (Talk about finding a golden ticket in a bar of chocolate). Mr. Ward, the head and founder of Armajaro, told The Daily Telegraph in 2002: «We are not trying to inflate the market.» He founded Armajaro in 1998, which is today one of the top three players in the cocoa market, in which prices have risen 150 percent over the past two-and-a-half years.
Armajaros highest-paid director received a salary of $ 8’500’000 last year, $ 1’000’000 more than in 2008. Mr Ward manages Armajaro’s flagship CC+ Fund, which specialises in cocoa and coffee. He achieved a double-digit growth in the value of the fund in the year to September. His fund forms part of Armajaro Asset Management, which has over $ 1’500’000’000 under management. I love zeros visualized. And Mr. Ward too, it seems. (source:
This is a blog post for the Blog Action Day 2010 about water, so what I’m writing about cocoa and abuser of nearly one million childs (Ghana only)? About that $ 7 million committed by the International Chocolate and Cocoa Industry (Harkin-Engel Protocol) towards addressing the situation of worst form of child labour in Cocoa farms over 5 year was inadequate, compared to the countless zeros above?
Ever heard of Nestle? 12 % of the $ 112’600’000’000 annual sales are made from chocolate, 27 % from drinks. Nestle is working hard on privatization of water. There’s a very good new documentary about water on this topic. Veolia and Suez, the world’s biggest water multinational companies, are already active in at least 69 countries on all five continents. More than 80 % of the water supply is still in the hands of the public sector. Every time, however, a town council in financial fetters asks around to be relieved of this burden, Veolia and Suez come knocking at the door. I’m not an highly educated economist – but I don’t need to understand a gearbox to see what goes in and what comes out. The rich get richer, the poor get poorer, redistribution of income from the bottom up, what equates the neo-liberal concept. Privatization of public infrastructure is a giant vacuum cleaner for the small men’s pockets. They pray «it’s getting cheaper», we pray «oh really, yeah, sure, cool!», then it doesn’t, but it’s to late. And if it’s cheap, it costs lives. And for the counter value of only 12 litres of milk from the nearby farmer you get a 32 GB piece of USB-hightech made of diverse highly energy intensive special materials from all over the world produced on microscopic scale in a dustfree production hall on the other side of the globe. While many places and air and water got polluted in the process. For 3 gallons of milk! And if the newspaper tells it’s the only good and true system, then it must be true, ain’t it?
Once water will be dealt via companies quoted on the stock exchange while there is a global shortage – man-made, what else? – the cocoa game will have started on water too. I don’t need to guess who the winners will be: Those who’s earnings rise one million dollars per year – and that’s not you and me. We and 99.9 % of mankind will be on the losers side. Today, unsafe water kills more peaple than war. The most bitter conflicts of the next 50 years won’t be over oil. Become aware of virtual water – that, by way of example, one kilogram of beef costs 15’500 litres. One kilogram wheat costs 1’300 litres.
What can we do to save water, environment, ourselves for a New World? It is all about the same with modern problems in the 21st century: Education. Don’t believe anyone (not even me), think for your self, think holistic. And then vote! If you can, politically, and not for the neo-liberal and neocon moneymakers. Buy fair. Get informed. Vote by buying stuff that don’t hurt anyone. Don’t buy from Nestle and the like! Avoid shopping at Lidl, Aldi, Walmart and suchlike. Try to buy local stuff. Teach your and others children. Inform others. Don’t invest if you get more than, let’s say 7 or 8 % return – or someone far or not so far away will die for that, well, the fund manager, by stroke of luck. :whistle:
Or the war on bottled water might get globally, as the world tends to import American habits. Or we might get millions of environmental refugees, in addition to the millions of political, war and economic fugitives. We teach our children to share – I just wonder why we adults don’t do this. Maybe you know?
P.S: Speak german? While trying to translate american and german billions and milliards once more, I stumbled over this discussion, which is 24 posts about 3 zeros less or more. And I thought I’m confused about this topic…
Wenn wir es nicht schaffen, dem ganzen Irrsinn ein Ende zu setzen, wird das wohl in einigen Jahren eine der Überschriften sein, mit denen Medien um Quoten kämpfen. Nichts desto trotz kann man es heute schon sehen – auf Wikileaks. Die Site versucht aufzudecken, was Konzerne und Behörden zu verschleiern versuchen.
Bei diesem Zwischenfall im Irak 2007 waren unter den Opfern auch zwei Reuters-Mitarbeiter. Zwei Kinder wurden verletzt, als ihr Vater einem verwundeten Reporter helfen wollte. Vater und Reporter wurden dabei erschossen. Das als geheim klassifizierte Video wurde nun am 5.4.2010 auf Wikileaks veröffentlicht:
Offizielle Homepage des Wikileaks-Spezialprojekts: Das ungeschnittene Video (38 Min) ist hier zu finden.
Es spritzt kein Blut wie in gängigen Filmen, es sind keine Geschlechtsteile zu sehen, das Video sollte jugendfrei sein. Also keine Angst beim Hinschauen, es ist nichts zu sehen! Man kann sich nur vorstellen, wie ein 30mm-Geschoss einen Körper zerfetzt. Cool aus einem Helikopter, rechnergesteuert treffsicher aus vielen hundert Metern Entfernung. Hübsch, nicht? Was Technik alles kann, faszinierend.
Kein Wunder, dass Völker, wirtschaftlich und militärisch dermassen dominiert und in ihren eigenen Interessen übergangen, sich zur Wehr setzen. Und wie sollten sie das tun, wenn nicht mit Guerilliataktik, Terrorismus und Fanatismus als Mittel des Zusammenhalts?
Immerhin hat das Video nach einer Woche bereits 5.5 Mio Aufrufe. Es scheint mir sinnlos, auf diesem einzelnen Fall herumzureiten, aber er zeigt Eindrücklich die Realität des Menschseins, die nach wie vor animalisch ist: «Nice shot – Yeah, got them…» Auch nach zehn Jahren sind wir noch nicht im dritten Jahrtausend angekommen – obwohl heute in zehn Jahren soviel passiert wie früher in einem ganzen Jahrtausend.
Unterstützen wir Wikileaks! Zur Zeit wohl die beste Plattform für unbequeme Wahrheiten, seit wir auf den heute quotendominierten Journalismus nicht mehr zählen dürfen.
Ich will nicht parteisch sein. Im Krieg ist kein Soldat zimperlich, hier werden 9 Marines umgebracht:
Krieg ist eine hochdynamische Angelegenheit, Entscheidungen auf Leben und Tod müssen in kürzester Zeit gefällt werden – Fehler passieren da früher oder später. Manchmal erwischt es so auch die eigenen, Remote-War sei dank:
Krieg ist so ein verdammtes Scheissbusiness – ausser für die Ökonomie – dass ich nicht verstehen kann, weshalb Arbeiter und Bauern nicht die fettgefressenen Machthaber aufeinander hetzen, die ja das ganze Trallalla anzetteln. Das System Krieg ist so unzulänglich, dass man es um jeden Preis vermeiden sollte! Mindestens so lange, wie die Andern nicht anderer Meinung sind, nicht war?