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Schlagwort: vision

Winter Olympics oder Oliver Stone für jeden?

Oliver Stone: Untold Hostory of the United States
Oliver Stone: Untold Hostory of the United States

Heute habe ich die letzte Folge von Oliver Stones Serie «The Untold History of the United States» (Die Geschichte Amerikas) gesehen. Nicht über alle Zweifel erhaben (aber über viele), zugegebenermassen, fand ich das gesamte Werk doch sehr erhellend. Und verstörend. Auch erheblich verärgernd, wenn man das globale Desaster so konzentriert vor Augen geführt bekommt.

Als dann danach in den News eine Beiläufige Erwähnung, dass Russland für die Olympischen Winterspiele 2013 läppische 37.5 Milliarden (uh, warens $ oder €? Sei’s drum…) ausgibt.

Deshalb überlege ich mir, eine Initiative zu starten: Investieren wir einen Haufen Plastik und die Kosten der nächsten Olympischen Spiele und schenken jedem Erdling die komplette Ausgabe. In der Auflagenhöhe sollte das für 5 Kröten doch machbar sein.

Wahrscheinlich würde eine Ausgabe für nur jeden zweiten Erdling reichen, um die Achse des Bösen in den Köpfen nachhaltig umzupolen. >:)

Wie auch immer, im Lichte einer provokativen Perspektive der öffentlichen, amerikanischen Meinung betrachtet eine wirklich empfehlenswerte und gut gemachte Arbeit von Oliver Stone; interessant ist auch eine unglaubliche Konstanz, mit der die Scheisse im Weissen Haus quillt. Die Doku weisst auch darauf hin. Ein unverbesserlicher Verschwörungstheoretiker, wer meint, irgendwelche Interessengruppen könnten spinnenhaft ihre Fäden ziehen – ein Schlauer (gross geschrieben), wer erkennt, dass man sie gar nicht kennen kann. Die, wo man’s vermutet, sind’s bestimmt nicht – was wär’s für ein lausiger Trug. Auch wenn, nebenher geflüstert, sich die Bauern im Spiel wirklich keine Mühe mehr zu machen scheinen mit dem Verschleiern. Ganz gemäss dem Informationszeitalter: Sag die Wahrheit – es hört eh keiner mehr hin, wenn’s nicht um tausend vergaste Tote, Geschlechtszeile oder Welpen geht. Wenn’s tatsächlich um tausend Tote oder dein Geschlechtsteil gehen sollte, has’te schlecht wohl gepokert. Oder du bist die arme Sau, die den Kopf hinhalten muss.

Die Doku auf Wikipedia, Huffington Post, the Guardian und in der Zeit. Auch sehr empfehlenswert in diesem Zusammenhang, wer es lieber mit Popcorn-Feeling mag: Syriana.

@NSA: Falls Erdlinge nach dem Gucken dieser Doku auf meine nachgewiesene Empfehlung hin bei Al Kaida anwerben, heisst das lange nicht, dass ich letztere Unterstütze. I’m a «Peacemaker». Bitte schreibt das in meine Akte, auch wenn ihr das Wort nicht kennt. Danke.

@all: Wenn ein Buch eine Lektüre ist, dann ist eine DVD eine Turbitüre? Also keine zum leken, sondern, zeitgemäss, eine, die berührungslos turbischnell schliesst, Ob sie ebenso schnell aufgeht, liegt wahrscheinlich eher am Auge des Betrachters beziehungsweise dem hoffentlich nachgelagerten Denkorgan. Oder nicht?

Ein paar ältere meiner Ideen zum Sport, konkret, um Fussball wieder interessant zu machen.

Und, irgendwie, mochte ich das Wort «Erdlinge» hier zu benutzen, weil «Erdenbürger» mir etwas zu hoch gegriffen scheint, um es dermassen zu generalisieren – «Erdenwürger» etwas zu despektierlich wiederum, dermassen zu verallgemeinern. Erdlinge fand ich einen politisch korrekten Kompromiss für sich selbst erkennen werdenden Sternenstaub.

Published inPoliticsThink!

Basic concept of Hinduism possibly the best believe system for future

When I look at religious systems with an evolutionary point of view, I ask myself, where does this door lead us? Allthough we’re supposed to be in information age, we still fight on a basis where one has to be wrong so the other can be right. This goes until death of several people or a whole system.

In the medium therm there may be, assumedly, a winner. But I’m certain, in long therms such „hard“ systems, which totally negate any foreign information, are not survivable, because they will break in cases of „collisions“, sooner or later.

Evolution is a sequence of collisions. On the big scale, galactic superclusters hit each other, same to galaxies, star systems, planets, etc. On the small scale, electrons hit each other, atoms, genes and mutated genes, monads, etc.

Collisions between hard systems will free up highest amounts of energy in shortest time, leaving behind destruction – speaking in context of life, this means most likely death. Collisions between soft systems are more like dancing: Some do tango, others do Rock’n’Roll, some dances may even look like fighting – but the energy is moderatly freed during a longer time, leaving behind rather new formations or informations than destruction.

Brahma symbolizes the aspect of the Supreme Reality and is traditionally accepted as the Creator of the entire universe. He is the first member of the Hindu Trinity that also includes Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva. He carries a rosary in one hand, a sacrificial tool (sruva) in the other hand , the Vedas (knowledge) and a water pot (kamandal) in other hands respectively. The four faces represent the sacred knowledge of the four Vedas (Rig, Yajur, Sama, and Atharva). Couldn't Brahma be compared to God in christian trinity? (http://www.dollsofindia.com)
Brahma symbolizes the aspect of the Supreme Reality, is traditionally accepted as the Creator of the entire universe and is the first member of the Hindu Trinity that also includes Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva. He carries a rosary in one hand, a sacrificial tool (sruva) in the other hand , the Vedas (knowledge) and a water pot (kamandal) in other hands respectively. The four faces represent the sacred knowledge of the four Vedas (Rig, Yajur, Sama, and Atharva). Couldn't Brahma be compared to God in christian trinity? (http://www.dollsofindia.com)

Clashing galaxies may cost some star systems as collateral damage, but altogether they doesn’t destroy themselves. The same goes for genes and other soft systems. Clashing planets, on the other side, like atoms, get a real hard life, including the surroundings, weather hard or soft.

If we break this down to religious systems, what can we learn? First, religions are mostly not hard or soft systems per se – obviously this depends heavily on interpretation in most cases. The more fanatic, the harder the system is. But overall I think that Hinduism is a softer system than classic monotheistic religions. With a look at history we may see that Hiduism is the oldest believe system with the fewest changes in its evolution (leaving out indigenous beliefs).

That doesn’t mean any monotheistic religion is „hard“. Personally I’m a mystic – there is one which (not who!) is all together at the same time, so different names and different systems can mean the same belief with different words. It’s nothing more or less than a question of definitions and informations – a question of fanatic, hard or liberal, soft interpretation.

Narrowing the point of view on the last two, three millennia, its Hinduism that fits best in a survivable evolutionary system. I don’t preach we all need to become Hindus, but the basic concept of Hinduism is very soft and history prooves it’s a lasting one.

With all the praised Saints in Catholicism I'm not sure about the fact that it is a truly monotheism. Don't they play a role somehow similar to the Halfgods in Hinduism? (Christ Glorified in the Court of Heaven, National Gallery, London; Fra Angelico, 15th Century)
With all the praised Saints in Catholicism I'm not sure about the fact that it is truly monotheistic. Don't they play a role somehow similar to the halfgods in Hinduism? (Christ Glorified in the Court of Heaven, National Gallery, London; Fra Angelico, 15th Century)

If humanity stay alive long enough I assume that, in a long therm, we will see a kind of global polytheism, where everyone accept that he sees the white light through a coloured window of his choice. Furthermore I assume that modern physics will proove that there are „Wonders“ – well, better named phenoena, then. As in one of my most beloved quotes: „Miracles are not contrary to nature – only in contrast to what we know about nature“ by St. Augustin, Apostle of England, and first Archbishop of Canterbury, ? -604/605. It seems he was the very first quantal physicist.

By that time in far future it may be official fact that there is god and there is no god; that everything and everyone is god, but it’s only one; that there are no answers – only options. You don’t have to be wrong so I can be right.

Published inSocietyThink!

Put the pedal to the metal now – it could be the last time

This is a contribution to the Blog Action Day 2009.

It is not science. It is not technology. It is not anything but us. It is the way we think and the way we react on and experience our environment. Up to now there were only a few smaller collectives of people who became witnesses of destructions of their environment. Otherwise we would collectively remember that and its consequences. But we don’t.

If it would be something like “Go and run against a spiky branch!” obviously nobody would follow. Nobody will sniff slurry for having fun I assume. We are programmed to protect us from harm.

Where the shit hits the fan
Where the shit hits the fan

There are dangers where our protection algorithm breaks down: Changes, happening so slowly that we simply adapt to, and therefore overlook the upcoming situation. This is a pure failure in our modern consciousness because – for humanity as such – there was no need to learn this lesson, until now.

Different people react differently on situations like this and the following is no judgment but a kind of analysis. A zero-dimensional mind just sits on a point in the here and now, eats when hungry, sleeps when tired. A one-dimensional mind gets a way: If thirsty, it goes straight to the well. A two-dimensional mind sees the surrounding area and takes a longer way to the well because it may be less exhausting. A three-dimensional mind may be asking about what is up there in heaven and down here in hell, whereas a four-dimensional mind sees how time influences the fire which is trying to burn us.

We all know all of this conditions, more or less, it got nothing to do with our western-style intelligence. If you are sitting in a dock of a bay, you are a zero. If you put a water pot on ball bearing wheels, you are a three – and a four, if you share the water. The question is: What is your motivation?

If the situation brings comfort, you tend to be even a five. If it seems like a lot of work and hassle, you will be a big zero. This is the way Godmother has created us, it is our biological heritage. And it will be our downfall, because Godmother and the tree of evolution never thought of atom bombs, let alone of blowing all the carbon and cesium into the air. They are creators, not destroyers.

Since anyone got a kind of main character, fours tend to be leaders, which get the threes to build guns, which the twos will use, while the ones are singing Hallelujah, and the zeros play cannon fodder. This is true for secular and religious leaders.

Now I do not think we all need a rat-race to become the highest possible number. The New World needs autonomous thinkers and tinkers, who do it with all their hands, brains and hearts. Brains we have enough in the First World, hands we shipped to the Chinese, hearts we loosed some time ago.

My vision is to follow the numbers, put the pedal to the metal and BE, HERE and NOW. I’m sure, anyone likes this! Put the pedal to the metal and MOVE, mentally too, do not stop. Then put the pedal to the metal and LIVE TO SEE, explore. Put the pedal to the metal again and THINK, be an inventor. No stop, put the pedal to the metal once more and DECIDE whether you would like the others to do the same as you do.

If our decisions are not based on IQ, EQ and SQ (intelligence, emotional and soul quotient), we will neither save the climate nor anything other, not even our selves, obviously. But one cannot order people to be like that – you and me have to start! We need political pressure, civil and industrial disobedience, to stand together against our biological heritage of laziness. Every penny we spend is a vote for tomorrows productions. Every action leads to a reaction. You decide!

Do not wait for others, hurry! Time is running out! Good thing is we have the Star Trek and Babylon 5 Seasons – if we do not make it that far, we have at least dreamed about it…

Defective thinking
Defective thinking

(If you do not think that it is that urgent, think again. Think of all the normal, poisoned or radioactive waste in the seas and everywhere, used depleted uranium munitions (google it), other poison everywhere, sick bodies, sick minds, sick souls, climate change, acquisitiveness, craving for power, economic growth, overfishing, extinction of species, you name it. To me it seems like a wonder that it did not got worse. Or maybe it had, but we still do not know… This is hard to face, but we have to. Let me assure you: putting the pedal to the metal is fun! Do it as long as possible.)

Published inEcologyEconomyPoliticsSocietyThink!

New Rules for Euro 2010

As a football freak a can’t wait for Euro 2010, so I did some research and came along some very interesting news you’ll want to know! The economically oriented think tank „Profeetball“ found out that with some new, interesting rules sales could be doubled by minimum!

New rules: Flat footballs

So they asked: If football falls flat, why not play with flat fool footballs to kick off the business? With less injuries estimated, insurance rates will be massively lower, slow runners catch more balls and even chinese manufacturers should have no problems with quality control.

So less expenses and more turnover will follow. Governments already pays for infrastructure, tax exemption should follow for Euro 2012, making it the perfect event: Circuses for all, bread for some and profits for a few.

But that’s not all: Bala Fuss, a Swiss member of the think tank, brought in another idea. Since flat building land will become rare and expensive in future they plan alternative football pitches:

New football pitch norms

The idea is, all 22 player walk the street at the bottom, kicking upwards. The team making a goal has to run up and down as many times as they have scored goals yet. This new kind of fairplay aligns with the marketing trend of fairtrade, fairtravel, fairvote, fair whatever. So less trained, cheap or child teams have a chance too.

To lean in the „fair“ trend to polish UEFA image some more, used foolballs should be donated to help feed the world.

Football dish

But Mr. Fuss stated that content must be delivered by NGOs. Development aid for stockholders eats up all of UEFAs excesses. The possibility of child work could be met with the slogan „children help children“.

Ain’t that big news? There’s a whole new world of football awaiting! Speaking of the future: A new discovery proofs the beginnings of football:

The primal footballsAccording to the newest historic researches where ancient men kicking each others balls to pay tribute to the last man standing. It took some centuries and some women’s heads until they started team playing with two „real“ balls, but since men are overstrained in multitasking they could only manage one — so football was born. In American football some ancient rules seems to have survived and are considered as proof.

Now it will be a question of time until the new political correctness from subway stations will influence football. Possibly a player then will ask a member of the other team kindly «Could I get the ball, please?». On negative answer the whole first team will kick balls on the questioned player, while the audience goes nuts. It’s called „back to the roots“!

Personally I wouldn’t mind to hand out clubs to players, even to the audience. This could speed up natural selection on mankind.

(Pics: pixelio.de)

Published inEconomyFunSocietyThink!

Dream about Iran

(or about any other big crude oil deliverer)

Close your eyes (well, after reading) and imagine the following.

Sweet Mullah in chief would state:

  • We have no nuclear material to build weapons – come and see.
  • We have no plants to make poison gas – come and see.
  • We even have no missiles to transport such things – come and see.
  • We don’t treat our opposition like lifestock – come and see.
  • We respect human rights – come and see.
  • Everyone has one vote, everyone can campaign – come and see.
  • We’d like to be your host – come and test us.
  • And, finally, we’ll sell you our oil in Euros – come and buy!
  • (tell me some more ideas…)

This could change so many things. It would probably be good for European economics. Probably, many other countries would jump on the bandwagon. Surely, it would be bad for the American economy.

America would not be able to find a real reason for an attack to prevent this. Maybe it would fudge an excuse, but nobody would believe it. The ruler ruled out by his own rules!

But, hold on, what’s the saying? Kick an old dog long enough and it will turn around and bite. Also, what about power vacuum? How many inferiority-complex addled people will fill buckets with their drivel? If physics are to be trusted, gallons of the stuff will drool into place.

Then only holy metaphysics can repeal the laws, but on this score all the mystics men and women sucked, till today. Damn, I’m glad I don’t have to make the rules…

Well, yeah – open your eyes, a dream comes back to reality.

Any suggestions to dream on?

Published inPoliticsThink!