Lääck mier, dä isch ja scho ganz bruun… – Schwer Verwirrt Politisierende (SVP)
Tut mir wirklich Leid, aber bei dieser Steilvorlage konnte ich einfach nicht widerstehen.
Der PR-Agentur scheint es der Fähigkeit, andere Perspektiven einzunehmen, etwas zu mangeln. Dafür bedankte ich mich schon hier und hier. Also nochmals Danke. Und ich hoffe, aller guten Dinge sind drei.
Korrigierend poste ich nochmals das Original. Der Kontext ist konkret entscheidend, ob der Teufel Teufel ist oder Kind seiner Mitwelt, das gleichzeitig dem gebraten werden noch das ideologische Grüne Blättchen hoch hält, während der Rest seinem liebsten Hobby des absoluten Konkurrierens fröhnt.
Information ohne Kontext ist eine leere Hülse, die leider viele für empirisches Wissen halten. Deshalb nun mit Hintergrund:
Bis zum Zeitalter des Verstehens wird wohl noch ein weilchen dauern. Das menschliche Gehirn ist nativ nicht dafür ausgelegt, Informationen zu integrieren. So setzt sich auch im Informationszeitalter das «Ich glaube also habe ich Recht» des Mittelalters noch etwas fort. Wer hätte gedacht, das nach der ersten Kultivierung des Wissens in der Antike und des frühen Islams, die schon in der Renaissance wieder entdeckt werden musste, im 21. Jahrhundert nochmals durch modernisierten (nicht-religiösen) Glauben verdrängt wird. So wie das der Adolf schon eingefädelt hatte.
Only one word to start with commenting the outcome of todays acclamation:
This voting shows clearly how fear works in politics. I’m always surprided how simple it is. The message «Islam wants conquer Switzerland, Europe, the world and Minarets are the spearheads» get us on a level of lowest animal insticts and as fast as you can’t wink Christianity feel threatened with extinction. What a bullshit, today, in the year 2009!
Playing the claviature of fear: Minaret ban poster by the SVP-party
On the other hand, a message like «America wants to dominate the world and Coca Cola tins are the bullets» works absolutely the same way. How surprising. I call this behavior our bioligical heritage and it works since hundreds of million years. If you know how to play this claviature of fear you don’t need any good rational arguments, you only need to fuel the animal interface.
Now, what really fears me ist the fact that this works on our level of education. This makes me thoughtful. In an evolutionary era where religions are going through their last jerks, because moral changes from dogmas to educational insights, we have such a backslide. But, that’s normal in evolution, unfortunately.
The convinience of belief systems is that it gives you simple answers and you can, but don’t need to think for yourself. Even if one do, most will think in conditioned ways which leeds them to the conclusion, that they and their group is right and all others are wrong. Now fuel the animal interface with fear and you can go to war – no one will ask questions, they become fanatics. Since we know that we know nothing, all is belief – so it works with every belief system, whether religious, political, scientific or anything else like climate or Peak Oil discussion, e.g.
In this context you may want to read about the Dunning-Kruger effect on Wikipedia (The unskilled suffer from illusory superiority, rating his own ability above average). Please do, you may see public discussios from a different angle.
Polarization is what’s happening right now. When the force of separation breaks, as more apart the poles are the harder the clash will be. The secret of power is to balance between polarization and clash: Polarization to absorbe intellectual advance and clash to conquer to spread power (and heal economics, if you are clever. That’s why swiss citizens didn’t vote against export of weapons in another voting proposal today. What a crime in the year 2009! But I’m not sure it’s so clever in the end.)
Mosque at the Fort Al Hosn in Abu Dhabi (Zillertaler2000 at pixelio.de)
To me the signs are obviously: Through polarization we’re hardening our belief systems which will lead in a collision. In combination with high tech (power of atoms, bio- and nanotech, etc) it could be disatrous – and I fear it will be. But I refuse to project my fear onto Minarets – my logic does not allow this. It’s like saying because Catholics doesn’t allow condoms and therefore the pope is a mass murderer (what is sadly true in times of AIDS), we tear down catholic spires to stop him/them.