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Schlagwort: Open Data

The Google Earth Engine – Three-Decades-Magic

Google Earth Engine: Amazon Deforestration
Google Earth Engine: Amazon Deforestration

Just think about it: You sit at home and can watch every spot on earth developing in the last 30 years! Made up from satelite data. This is amazing!

Find the Google Earth Engine here: earthengine.google.org/#intro

A short movie that gives an overview: www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHz5kMMavas

On the homepage you can start with some examples: e.g. the Amazon deforestration:
earthengine.google.org/#intro/Amazon. Then search for your hometown and watch…

These is all Open Data and allows many kinds of visualizing of so many important topics! And one can say many things about Google, but if it does such things with its money, I will click one or two advertisings shortly… 🙂

Published inEcologySocietyThink!