Nun, ich würde den Titel ja folgendermassen setzen:
Das Nichtige in der Unendlichkeit
Alles andere scheint mir zu übertrieben. So wie wir unserem Biologischen Erbe hörig sind, werden wir nicht jene Zivilisation werden, die dann einstmal ein intergalaktisches Highway- und Kommunikations-System hinterlassen haben werden, das von aufstrebenden, neuen Spezies als Erbe benutzt werden könnte.
Das Winzige in der Unendlichkeit | Eine überschätzte Spezies | Doku auf YouTube | ARTE
Nach dem 10.2024 wird die Doku nicht mehr auf YouTube verfügbar sein. Als eine wunderbare mediale Übung in Demut nehme ich das Video in den Schatz meiner Uploads auf (720p):
Eine Ameise krabbelt einen Ast hoch. Du lässt sie auf deinen Finger steigen, hälst sie vor dein Gesicht, lächelst sie an, sagst hallo, lässt sie eine Runde über den Handrücken drehen und setzt sie am Ende des Astes bei den Blattläusen wieder ab. Was mag die intelligenteste Ameise der Welt wohl denken, was da gerade passiert ist?
Sollte das Universum tatsächlich ein gewaltiger Quantencomputer sein und aus dessen Komplexität heraus ein gewaltiges Bewusstsein beinhalten (nicht „haben“), was werden wir wahrnehmen, wenn wir auf dieses Bewusstseins Finger klettern? Könnten wir verstehen, dass die merkwürdigen Gase und angsteinflössenden Vibrationen die höfliche Form einer Kontaktaufnahme bedeuten? Wir hätten den Tagtraum einer Wanderung durch das bodenbeheizte Land der tausend langen Fühler. Verstünden wir, dass die Dislokation keine teuflische Verführung, vielmehr eine Geste der Freundschaft war? Wären wir fähig, die Intention der Entführung zu erfassen?
Welche Worte habe ich zur Verfügung, die ausreichend beschreiben können, was ich gar nicht verstehen kann? Ist es verwunderlich, dass jeder Mensch, vom universalen Bewusstsein berührt, jene Bilder entwickelt, die seine Biografie vorgeben? Im Kosmos der Linie gibt es keine Flächen – sie bleibt für die Linie auf ewig unergründbar. So werden wir das kosmische Bewusstsein erst dann erkennen, wenn wir selbst dazu geworden sind.
Wikipedia says: «In 2012, researchers came to conclusion that it is a definite hit after using the Hubble Space Telescope between 2002 and 2010 to painstakingly track the motion of Andromeda. Such collisions are relatively common. Andromeda, for example, is believed to have collided with at least one other galaxy in the past, and several dwarf galaxies such as SagDEG are currently colliding with the Milky Way and being merged into it.»
This is the reason I want mankind to survive: In 3.75 billion years I want to be reborn to meditate under the nightsky, as it is shown in the third picture below. If you don’t let me do that, I will hate you. And I will appear in your every nights nightmare and badge you like you can’t imagine! Seriously! You don’t want to risk that! Let me have a nice body in the far future – so take care of our environment and your genes. :rant:
Nightskies – Andromeda collides with the milkyway. Click for brief description.
For the nightsky in the fifth pic we will need to emigrate on another planet, cause sweet home Alabama is gonna be burned by the sun in 5 billion years. Just imagine where mankind will have evolved: That is more than the time live is old on earth now! I don’t mind short legs and green skin as long I still gonna be having eyes and a back to lie on the grass.
Some years ago I posted an old movie clip «The Power of Ten». If you haven’t seen this, I suggest to do that – it takes some minutes and will leave you astonished for some days. It starts showing a square meter, then zooms out to the edge of the universe, goes back and zooms in to the quarks.
This small Flash-App «Scale of the Universe» is something similar, based on actual science data. The design looks a bit like a Power Point presentation – but hey, this is about science, not art. 🙂
Just thinking about that light would need seven times longer to cross the estimated size of the universe (93 billion lightyears) at light speed than it is old (13.4 billion yars that is) – makes me … aware. Astonished.
They say human minds cannot apprehend such dimensions. I’m not sure. Start thinking about the last year of your life, how much time it was; about 10 years of you like; your whole lifetime; how many of your ancestors lived in the last 1’000 years?; the technical progress in the last 10’000 years; 50’000 years ago modern humans started colonizing the continents; anatomically modern humans appearing in Africa 200’000 years ago – how many descendants will you have in the year 202’012? Visualize your whole lifetime; 1’500’000 years ago were the first simple huts; 2’400’000 years ago appearance of the homo genus – imagine the winters: no food and it’s damn cold – they needed to wait for about 2’394’500 years for sewerage; modern-type butterflies appeared 40 mio years ago. Take your time, repeat, imagine the years.
Now watch the clip «650 million years in 120 seconds», it’s about plate tectonics and starts 400 mio years ago. Try to watch your place on earth while you think about the points above. If you do it right, your mind starts to screw – so switch it of. But let your brain whirl, while dimensions clear away. You need to bear and hold that whirling to go on. Take your time, repeat.
Life on Earth Graph
Now think of the globe, how she is born, how mother sun gets her most intelligent child. It’s 9 billion years after Big Bang – 4.5 billion years later the mid-aged earth will have the humans, an itching pest (see the joke). You are something like a gut bacteria that goes cancering its host. Not more, but not less. Life exists today since 3’800’000’000 years. Will your descendants be able to colonize a new planet when our sun becomes a supernova in 6 billion years? How many lover’s griefs will have been till then? How many agony over all, if you will pile it up then, for all civilisations? And on all planets in all galaxies? And, why? Take your time, repeat.
From today, go back three earth lifetimes to the big bang. Imagine the bang. Room gets created, a bubble. The physical laws get created. Matter gets created. The bubble expands. It accelerates its expansion. Today, you need to travel 20 times the age of earth at light speed to cross the estimated size of the universe. Do some travelling through space, try to find the milkyway, the sun, while staying aware of the whole. Do some travelling through time, watch the birth and evolution of all life on earth, while staying aware of your lifetime! That’s what I call a cool makro-meditation!
Did you arrive without going schizo? Did you find God? Where is she? Not so much out there I guess, but more in there. Science is about what it is, mysticism about how it feels. Macro- and microcosmos is not the same, but feels like the same. Science and mysticism are like your hands: They are the same, but are not. I’m sure we all can apprehend such dimensions, and many more. Just keep on practicing! Master the quanta. Let me know of your mikro-meditation, that’s not my favorite terrain. 😉