Wer sich für die Umwälzungen der nahen Zukunft interessiert und eine erleuchtende, epochenübergreifende Reflektion wünscht, muss diesen Vortrag gesehen haben. Ich verspreche, dass nach den aufgeworfenen Fragen die Zukunft anders ausschauen wird.
Für einen kompetenten Kommentar muss ich noch 20 Jahre schlauer werden – eventuell reicht es dann dafür. Da sich der Vortrag mit den nächsten 10, 20 Jahren auseinander setzt, wird der Kommentar dann kein solcher sein, aber ein Händeklatschen oder Bashing. Ich tippe mal auf ersteres.
So, here we go, nehmt’s sportlich:
Richard David Precht Vortrag: Epochenumbruch & fehlende Verantwortung vom 16.10.2019
Falls das Video auf YouTube aus irgend einem Grund nicht mehr verfügbar sein wird – was ja öfters vorkommt, aus welchen Gründen auch immer – habe ich es mir, pssst, gesaugt und auf meinen Webspace hoch geladen; als Zukunftssicherung. Hier (Audio ist eventuell etwas leise):
Ich bin ja gespannt, welch nette Lebeweschen aus dem auftauenden Permafrost den Vogelgripplern konkurrenz machen werden.
Nach der Krise ist vor der Krise, nicht wahr.
Die Angst vor dem Bösen Wolf vermag gestaute Emotionen offenbar einfacher abzuleiten wie das Bewusstsein über den Unsichtbaren Drachen:
Ich habe genug Einsicht und Mumm, dem Bösen Wolf in den Rachen zu schauen und Nein zu sagen. Nein zu Konsum, Nein zu Novartis, Nein zu Nestlé, Nein zu Facebook, auch Nein zum «Chip», Nein zu, you name it.
Angst habe ich vor dem Unsichtbaren Drachen, der Feuer speit, bei dem ich keinen wirklichen Angriffsvektor ausmachen kann. Sachen wie Gifte-Cocktails überall, mäandernde Jetstreams und Meeresströmungen, schwindende Artenvielfalt, Ur-Urzeitliche Krankheiten, Kipppunkte in der Ökologie, der Ökonomie, mich anhustende Corona-Leugner, usw.
Solange so viele Menschen nur Wölfe sehen und hören, wird die Systemfrage – nach dem offensichtlichen Systemversagen – nicht gestellt werden. Die Chancen, dass der Unsichtbare Dracke uns erst schön goldbraun röstet und dann genüsslich verspeist, stehen nicht schlecht. En Guete.
In der Zeit fand ich einen guten Artikel, der die monetären Hingergründe der «Klimakrieger» recherchiert: «Wie von der Industrie bezahlte PR-Manager der Welt seit Jahren einreden, die Erderwärmung finde nicht statt. Chronologie einer organisierten Lüge.» Sehr lesenswerter Beitrag auch zum Thema Mediokratie.
Stefan Rahmstorf betreibt auf den SciLogs den Blog «KlimaLounge – Nah dran am Wandel». Im Blogbeitrag «Am Puls der Klimakriese» geht es um «die grundlegenden Daten und Belege zur aktuellen globalen Erwärmung, zur Zunahme von Wetterextremen und zum Anstieg des Meeresspiegels. Der Vortrag spannt einen Bogen von den Eiszeiten bis zu der Frage, wie wir die Klimakrise bewältigen können.»
Der Video-Mitschnit des Vortrags liefert einen guten Überblick zur aktuellen Datenlage und die Kommentare scheinen sich auch interessant zu entwickeln.
Der vier jährige Eisbär Knut starb kürzlich im Berliner Zoo; wie es zur Zeit scheint, an einer Hirnerkrankung. Ich kann mir gut vorstellen, was der kleine Racker sich dachte:
«Da hänge ich hier nun fest auf der genetischen Reservebank. Bloss, wieso glotzen alle so dämlich? Geht mir echt auf’n Kecks! Erst rotten die Ärsche alles aus, was sie unter die Füsse kriegen, dann verseuchen sie Luft, Erde und Wasser, und, als ob das nicht reichte, machen sie aus dem Raumschiff Erde ein Treibhaus.
Vor lauter Frust kommen sie dann her, um ihre kranke und vergewaltigte Psyche vollends ins Koma zu glotzen. Ich meine, ich liebe das Leben, eigentlich, aber nicht hier. Ich bin weder Ersatzbaby noch Trostpflaster noch ein Narkosemittel.
Eigentlich könnte ich mich glücklich schätzen, so angebetet zu werden. Was ich so von draussen höre, da ist’s gar nicht mehr lustig, immer öfter gibt’s nichts mehr zu finden, zu fressen. Die müssen teilweise stundenlang schwimmen, voll der Scheiss!
All die Idioten sehen das in den News, finden, «oh jesses wie schlimm!», steigen in ihre Karre, kommen her und blöcken im Chor «uh schau mal da, jöhh!». Ist doch echt zum kotzen! Sofern ich mal lust hatte, hier zu sein, so ist sie mir inzwischen vergangen.
Bald gibt’s ja wieder Lachse mit drei Augen zu futtern. Irgendwie wäre ich trotzdem froh, wenn der Affentanz mal vorbei ist. Niemand von uns hat Lust, den ganzen Menschenscheiss aus zu baden. Das können die mal schön selber tun. Und tschüss.»
Nun ja, wiedersehn‘, ich wünsche eine gute Reise. Tut mir Leid, dass es so kommen musste. Dafür lässt sich daraus lesen, dass Evolution, das Universum, die Natur, dass Gott kaum eine proaktive, schon gar keine moralische Intelligenz besitzt. Gott ist eine Funktion, und zwar eine ziemlich perverse.
«Water, thou hast no taste, no color, no odor; canst not be defined, art relished while ever mysterious. Not necessary to life, but rather life itself, thou fillest us with a gratification that exceeds the delight of the senses.» (Quote by Antoine de Saint-Exupery, From Wind, Sand and Stars, 1939)
Do you know Armajaro, an investment firm based in London, specialised within the cocoa and coffee markets? A week ago I read about them the first time: The WochenZeitung (German) wrote that Armajaro bought cocoa beans on the European market. Above 240’000 metric tons, worth over $ 1’000’000’000, to be exact, sometime between July and September it seems – the equivalent of almost the entire supply of the commodity in Liffe-registered warehouses across Europe. Or about 7% of the annually, global production. But guess, this was not the first time.
Cocoa Flower (Dieter Schütz/pixelio.de)
In August 2002 Armajaro acquired 204’000 tons of cocoa beans and, as it seems, gained $ 64’000’000 out of the deal (Talk about finding a golden ticket in a bar of chocolate). Mr. Ward, the head and founder of Armajaro, told The Daily Telegraph in 2002: «We are not trying to inflate the market.» He founded Armajaro in 1998, which is today one of the top three players in the cocoa market, in which prices have risen 150 percent over the past two-and-a-half years.
Armajaros highest-paid director received a salary of $ 8’500’000 last year, $ 1’000’000 more than in 2008. Mr Ward manages Armajaro’s flagship CC+ Fund, which specialises in cocoa and coffee. He achieved a double-digit growth in the value of the fund in the year to September. His fund forms part of Armajaro Asset Management, which has over $ 1’500’000’000 under management. I love zeros visualized. And Mr. Ward too, it seems. (source: www.africanagricultureblog.com)
This is a blog post for the Blog Action Day 2010 about water, so what I’m writing about cocoa and abuser of nearly one million childs (Ghana only)? About that $ 7 million committed by the International Chocolate and Cocoa Industry (Harkin-Engel Protocol) towards addressing the situation of worst form of child labour in Cocoa farms over 5 year was inadequate, compared to the countless zeros above?
Water makes money: the film
Ever heard of Nestle? 12 % of the $ 112’600’000’000 annual sales are made from chocolate, 27 % from drinks. Nestle is working hard on privatization of water. There’s a very good new documentary about water on this topic. Veolia and Suez, the world’s biggest water multinational companies, are already active in at least 69 countries on all five continents. More than 80 % of the water supply is still in the hands of the public sector. Every time, however, a town council in financial fetters asks around to be relieved of this burden, Veolia and Suez come knocking at the door. I’m not an highly educated economist – but I don’t need to understand a gearbox to see what goes in and what comes out. The rich get richer, the poor get poorer, redistribution of income from the bottom up, what equates the neo-liberal concept. Privatization of public infrastructure is a giant vacuum cleaner for the small men’s pockets. They pray «it’s getting cheaper», we pray «oh really, yeah, sure, cool!», then it doesn’t, but it’s to late. And if it’s cheap, it costs lives. And for the counter value of only 12 litres of milk from the nearby farmer you get a 32 GB piece of USB-hightech made of diverse highly energy intensive special materials from all over the world produced on microscopic scale in a dustfree production hall on the other side of the globe. While many places and air and water got polluted in the process. For 3 gallons of milk! And if the newspaper tells it’s the only good and true system, then it must be true, ain’t it?
Once water will be dealt via companies quoted on the stock exchange while there is a global shortage – man-made, what else? – the cocoa game will have started on water too. I don’t need to guess who the winners will be: Those who’s earnings rise one million dollars per year – and that’s not you and me. We and 99.9 % of mankind will be on the losers side. Today, unsafe water kills more peaple than war. The most bitter conflicts of the next 50 years won’t be over oil. Become aware of virtual water – that, by way of example, one kilogram of beef costs 15’500 litres. One kilogram wheat costs 1’300 litres.
Global Awareness
What can we do to save water, environment, ourselves for a New World? It is all about the same with modern problems in the 21st century: Education. Don’t believe anyone (not even me), think for your self, think holistic. And then vote! If you can, politically, and not for the neo-liberal and neocon moneymakers. Buy fair. Get informed. Vote by buying stuff that don’t hurt anyone. Don’t buy from Nestle and the like! Avoid shopping at Lidl, Aldi, Walmart and suchlike. Try to buy local stuff. Teach your and others children. Inform others. Don’t invest if you get more than, let’s say 7 or 8 % return – or someone far or not so far away will die for that, well, the fund manager, by stroke of luck. :whistle:
Or the war on bottled water might get globally, as the world tends to import American habits. Or we might get millions of environmental refugees, in addition to the millions of political, war and economicfugitives. We teach our children to share – I just wonder why we adults don’t do this. Maybe you know?
Place name sign, above: modern era / below: middle ages (Gerd Altmann/pixelio.de)
P.S: Speak german? While trying to translate american and german billions and milliards once more, I stumbled over this discussion, which is 24 posts about 3 zeros less or more. And I thought I’m confused about this topic…
It is not science. It is not technology. It is not anything but us. It is the way we think and the way we react on and experience our environment. Up to now there were only a few smaller collectives of people who became witnesses of destructions of their environment. Otherwise we would collectively remember that and its consequences. But we don’t.
If it would be something like “Go and run against a spiky branch!” obviously nobody would follow. Nobody will sniff slurry for having fun I assume. We are programmed to protect us from harm.
Where the shit hits the fan
There are dangers where our protection algorithm breaks down: Changes, happening so slowly that we simply adapt to, and therefore overlook the upcoming situation. This is a pure failure in our modern consciousness because – for humanity as such – there was no need to learn this lesson, until now.
Different people react differently on situations like this and the following is no judgment but a kind of analysis. A zero-dimensional mind just sits on a point in the here and now, eats when hungry, sleeps when tired. A one-dimensional mind gets a way: If thirsty, it goes straight to the well. A two-dimensional mind sees the surrounding area and takes a longer way to the well because it may be less exhausting. A three-dimensional mind may be asking about what is up there in heaven and down here in hell, whereas a four-dimensional mind sees how time influences the fire which is trying to burn us.
We all know all of this conditions, more or less, it got nothing to do with our western-style intelligence. If you are sitting in a dock of a bay, you are a zero. If you put a water pot on ball bearing wheels, you are a three – and a four, if you share the water. The question is: What is your motivation?
If the situation brings comfort, you tend to be even a five. If it seems like a lot of work and hassle, you will be a big zero. This is the way Godmother has created us, it is our biological heritage. And it will be our downfall, because Godmother and the tree of evolution never thought of atom bombs, let alone of blowing all the carbon and cesium into the air. They are creators, not destroyers.
Since anyone got a kind of main character, fours tend to be leaders, which get the threes to build guns, which the twos will use, while the ones are singing Hallelujah, and the zeros play cannon fodder. This is true for secular and religious leaders.
Now I do not think we all need a rat-race to become the highest possible number. The New World needs autonomous thinkers and tinkers, who do it with all their hands, brains and hearts. Brains we have enough in the First World, hands we shipped to the Chinese, hearts we loosed some time ago.
My vision is to follow the numbers, put the pedal to the metal and BE, HERE and NOW. I’m sure, anyone likes this! Put the pedal to the metal and MOVE, mentally too, do not stop. Then put the pedal to the metal and LIVE TO SEE, explore. Put the pedal to the metal again and THINK, be an inventor. No stop, put the pedal to the metal once more and DECIDE whether you would like the others to do the same as you do.
If our decisions are not based on IQ, EQ and SQ (intelligence, emotional and soul quotient), we will neither save the climate nor anything other, not even our selves, obviously. But one cannot order people to be like that – you and me have to start! We need political pressure, civil and industrial disobedience, to stand together against our biological heritage of laziness. Every penny we spend is a vote for tomorrows productions. Every action leads to a reaction. You decide!
Do not wait for others, hurry! Time is running out! Good thing is we have the Star Trek and Babylon 5 Seasons – if we do not make it that far, we have at least dreamed about it…
Defective thinking
(If you do not think that it is that urgent, think again. Think of all the normal, poisoned or radioactive waste in the seas and everywhere, used depleted uranium munitions (google it), other poison everywhere, sick bodies, sick minds, sick souls, climate change, acquisitiveness, craving for power, economic growth, overfishing, extinction of species, you name it. To me it seems like a wonder that it did not got worse. Or maybe it had, but we still do not know… This is hard to face, but we have to. Let me assure you: putting the pedal to the metal is fun! Do it as long as possible.)
Are you blogging? And you’d like to see changes thowards a New World?
Then please consider becoming a part of Blog Action Day and unite with other thinkful minds! Right now there are over 2000 Blogs with 8.5 million readers to write about Climate Change on 15. October 2009.
On YouTube I stumbled upon this actual lecture about Climate Change. It is mainly in three parts:
Facts about climate change from an environmental point of view
Needs and possibilities to master the challenge
Economical views on the subject
The question of why America sends annual 300 Mrd $ to foreign countries for oil, which is answered with Lenin’s quote „The capitalists are so hungry for profits that they will sell us the rope to hang them with.“, and the addition „…and they will send us the money to buy the rope“ is a very typical view for Americans somehow, I think.
Nevertheless, with todays technics our vehicles could be 50 %, buildings 80 % more efficient without change in lifestyle. Acting is not a question of money or ideology, but of intelligence.
What not comes in numbers here is the benefit in public health due to better air and water quality. Nothing is really new here, but the arguments may help you out in the field…
(Dr. Lester Lave, Co-Director Carnegie Mellon Electrical Industry Center; Dr. M. Granger Morgan, Director of the Climate Decision Making Center; Edward Rubin, Professor in Engineering and Public Policy and Mechanical Engineering, 1:15)
If you wanna know it really exactly, watch the following video too, which outlines the research and the process behind the Global Climate Change Report to the Bush administration in 2002. So yes, they know: Global warming is fact, it’s due human activities, without sun activities being a reason etc.
(And yes, this is a very dry one, but gives an excellent overview on the complexity of the matter, if you’d like to be fed with data, numbers and formulas by Ralph Cicerone, Chancellor of the University of California at Irvine, 1:10)
If you thought it would be nice to have mediterranean temperatures in middle Europe by two more degrees Celsius in 2025, you must know that there is a good chance we’d have an increase of four degrees that year. And with it the dryness of nord Africa.
You ask why? Particulate matter might decrease the effect of greenhouse gases by its half, Nowadays, with all the particle filters, we’ll eventually get a nice burn in the future – simple, isn’t it?
Watch this BBC-documentation on YouTube and spread the word:
Wer dachte, es wäre hübsch, in Mitteleuropa Mittelmeerklima zu haben, indem es 2 Grad wärmer wird, muss damit rechnen, dass es bis dann 4 Grad wärmer geworden ist. Und damit hier so trocken wie in Nordafrika.
Wie das gehen soll? Feinstaub in der Atmosphäre dürfte den Effekt der Treibhausgase um die Hälfte dämpfen. Mit den heutigen Partikelfiltern werden wir uns vielleicht einen netten Sonnenbrand einfangen.
European heads of government agreed to get onward with climate protection. The ambition is to reduce one fifth of greenhouse gases from 1990 by 2020. (!)
In fact, this is not ambitious enough by far. But I see the fact that they are in consent about the need of such steps, even if very tardily. It seems they started to think about our future.
But about which ways to take there are the old inconsistencies. Is nuclear power renewable? Brave Angela Merkel (German President of the European Council at this time) stood tall and argued against this viewpoint. Big applause, please!
France and others won’t be happy with this. And in question is how earnest this statement will be realised. If I take a look at how far we are with the Kyoto-protocol. Still, the insight is here, and if it’s only for popularity. But the end justifies the means, when it results in clear decisions.
Hear I someone say «dream on» 🙂 ? As John Lennon said: I’m not the only one.
Maybe we should put some stuff in Brussels drinking water – it might teach the politicians to dream even further. If they sense life in the next tree they see; it could be inspiring.
Back to realism again I suggest you make sure with your vote, that some realistic and idealistic dreamers take place in the houses of governments – this is how dreams come true, isn’t it?