22.12.2022 In seinem Vortrag beschäftigt sich Gerald Hüther mit den Themen Mündigkeit, Bildung und Erziehung. Außerdem geht er der Frage nach, warum bei so vielen Menschen Denken und Fühlen voneinander abgekoppelt sind. Prof. Dr. Gerald Hüther ist Neurobiologe, Autor, Wissenschaftler und zählt zu den bekanntesten Hirnforschern Deutschlands. Praktisch befasst er sich im Rahmen verschiedener Initiativen und Projekte mit neurobiologischer Präventionsforschung. Er schreibt Sachbücher, hält Vorträge, organisiert Kongresse, arbeitet als Berater für Politiker und Unternehmer und ist häufiger Gesprächsgast in Rundfunk und Fernsehen. So ist er Wissensvermittler und -umsetzer in einer Person.
«Der Zustand der gegenwärtigen Welt ist das Ergebnis der Bemühungen von lauter Bedürftigen.» Wie Schoggi.
«Liebe ist das unbedingte Interesse am Wachstum des Anderen.» Ein Feuerwerk.
«Das Beste, was wir bis heute geschafft haben – mit dem „alten“ Denken – ist, Konflikte immer besser zu managen. Wir müssten aber Friedensstifter werden. Und merken, dass das zwei verschiedene Dinge sind: Managen tut man mit dem Verstand; Friedensstifter kann man nur mit dem Herzen werden.» Pandoras Büchse der Wahrheit.
Prädikat: Genial!
Zur Zukunftssicherheit hier das Video nochmals lokal gehostet:
Some years ago I posted an old movie clip «The Power of Ten». If you haven’t seen this, I suggest to do that – it takes some minutes and will leave you astonished for some days. It starts showing a square meter, then zooms out to the edge of the universe, goes back and zooms in to the quarks.
This small Flash-App «Scale of the Universe» is something similar, based on actual science data. The design looks a bit like a Power Point presentation – but hey, this is about science, not art. 🙂
Just thinking about that light would need seven times longer to cross the estimated size of the universe (93 billion lightyears) at light speed than it is old (13.4 billion yars that is) – makes me … aware. Astonished.
They say human minds cannot apprehend such dimensions. I’m not sure. Start thinking about the last year of your life, how much time it was; about 10 years of you like; your whole lifetime; how many of your ancestors lived in the last 1’000 years?; the technical progress in the last 10’000 years; 50’000 years ago modern humans started colonizing the continents; anatomically modern humans appearing in Africa 200’000 years ago – how many descendants will you have in the year 202’012? Visualize your whole lifetime; 1’500’000 years ago were the first simple huts; 2’400’000 years ago appearance of the homo genus – imagine the winters: no food and it’s damn cold – they needed to wait for about 2’394’500 years for sewerage; modern-type butterflies appeared 40 mio years ago. Take your time, repeat, imagine the years.
Now watch the clip «650 million years in 120 seconds», it’s about plate tectonics and starts 400 mio years ago. Try to watch your place on earth while you think about the points above. If you do it right, your mind starts to screw – so switch it of. But let your brain whirl, while dimensions clear away. You need to bear and hold that whirling to go on. Take your time, repeat.
Life on Earth Graph
Now think of the globe, how she is born, how mother sun gets her most intelligent child. It’s 9 billion years after Big Bang – 4.5 billion years later the mid-aged earth will have the humans, an itching pest (see the joke). You are something like a gut bacteria that goes cancering its host. Not more, but not less. Life exists today since 3’800’000’000 years. Will your descendants be able to colonize a new planet when our sun becomes a supernova in 6 billion years? How many lover’s griefs will have been till then? How many agony over all, if you will pile it up then, for all civilisations? And on all planets in all galaxies? And, why? Take your time, repeat.
From today, go back three earth lifetimes to the big bang. Imagine the bang. Room gets created, a bubble. The physical laws get created. Matter gets created. The bubble expands. It accelerates its expansion. Today, you need to travel 20 times the age of earth at light speed to cross the estimated size of the universe. Do some travelling through space, try to find the milkyway, the sun, while staying aware of the whole. Do some travelling through time, watch the birth and evolution of all life on earth, while staying aware of your lifetime! That’s what I call a cool makro-meditation!
Did you arrive without going schizo? Did you find God? Where is she? Not so much out there I guess, but more in there. Science is about what it is, mysticism about how it feels. Macro- and microcosmos is not the same, but feels like the same. Science and mysticism are like your hands: They are the same, but are not. I’m sure we all can apprehend such dimensions, and many more. Just keep on practicing! Master the quanta. Let me know of your mikro-meditation, that’s not my favorite terrain. 😉
Joe Dispenza, dessen Site ausschaut wie ein amerikanisches Spinnennetz für Eso-Tanten und -Onkel, hat doch ein paar interessante Dinge zu sagen, die über die übliche wünsch-dir-was-vom-Universum-Doktrin hinaus gehen. Unter anderem untersuchte er das Phänomen der Spontanheilungen. Seine neurologische Herleitung des Seins über das Denken und Tun ist im Ansatz wissenschaftlich im Sinne der Gehirnforschung und in der Interpretation einleuchtend, wenn auch von gewissen Kreisen als pseudowissenschaftlich verschrien.
Das Verlassen von Gedankenautobahnen, das Hinterfragen der eigenen Konditionierung im Kopf und dem anschliessenden Manifestieren im eigenen Tun führt zu Phänomenen im Sein, mit denen heutige Wissenschaft noch etwas Mühe hat. Das kennt man ja. Ebenso, dass es unwissenschaftlich ist, neue Wege abzulehnen, weil sie nicht in bestehende Muster passen. Nicht nur die moderne Physik, auch die aktuelle Gehirnforschung scheint immer mehr auf den Pfaden der alten Mystiker zu wandeln.
Wenn Joe auch nicht Begriffe benutzt wie «Quantenheilung» oder «Matrix System» – bei denen mir inzwischen fast die Galle hoch kommt – vermarktet er sich ala «make change real – start living your full potential» und zielt damit auf die von Reichtum und Erfolg träumenden Egos. Wenn der Weg zum Neuen Menschen darüber führt, dass man sie mit ihren Illusionen angelt, kann man ja mal ein Auge zu drücken. 🙂
Aber hört doch einfach selbst den Vortrag (ca. 90 Min.).
Evolve your brain: Ein 2-stündiges Seminar mit Dr. Joe Dispenza (bekannt geworden durch den Film «What the bleep do we (k)now!?») Wie kommt es dazu, dass wir trotz der unendlichen Möglichkeiten, die sich uns bieten, immer wieder die selben Realitäten erschaffen? In dem inspirierenden, zweistündigen Seminar „Evolve Your Brain – Von der Wissenschaft, seinen Geist zu verändern“ erläutert Dr. Joe Dispenza (www.bleepkongress.de) wie sich das Gehirn entwickelt, wie es neue Fähigkeiten erlernt, wie wir darauf Einfluss nehmen können und wie unsere Gedanken chemische Reaktionen in Gang setzen können, die uns von Verhaltensmustern und Gefühlen abhängig machen – auch solchen, die uns schaden! Wenn wir verstehen, wie diese Muster entstehen, können wir sie nicht nur durchbrechen sondern wir können unser Gehirn auch umprogrammieren, so dass wir neue, positive Verhaltensmuster entwickeln, die uns im täglichen Leben von Nutzen sind. Dr. Joe Dispenza wurde bekannt durch seine Forschungen in der Neurologie und Neurophysik. Er beschäftigt sich seit Jahrzehnten mit dem menschlichen Gehirn – wie es funktioniert, wie es Informationen speichert und warum es dazu neigt, die selben Verhaltensmuster immer wieder zu wiederholen.
Greece wants to push privatization of state enterprises for dept reduction. (For reasons why the IWF wants that see the movie «Let’s make money».)
35% of IPhone or Android smartphone owners check an app while still in bed in the morning. Social Networks are the most popular apps (Study on behalf of Ericsson).
A lecture about sexual fetishes at the Northwestern University in Chicago was canceled, because the prof invited the students to a live demonstration of sex toys and the female orgasm after the lecture. Parents went amok.
As you may know, Osama Bin Laden got killed last monday. Most probably I think because one wanted to avoid the possibility of terror acts to release Osama.
Finally I stumbled over the term «autopoiesis», a term used in system theory. Sociological systems (after Lehmann) are not made by actors, but only by communication. Sociological systems produce and reproduce themselves through communication. Reference points are only seemingly actors or the environment (you and me), in fact the reference point of communication is an inner picture that follows the system’s own laws (the system’s dogmas), thus communication uses itself as reference.
Cross-linked or caught thinking?
Translated that means things like «murder and violence is bad», «greed is bad», «sex is bad», «produce CO2 is bad», but «killing Osama Bin Laden is good», «cheating for riches is good» (especially if you don’t see the betrayed ones, eg. with shares), «having sex is good» (at least if you don’t talk about), and «being always on the move is good» too (or else you may start to feel yourself).
Obviously it’s something wrong here, but as long as one stays in the autopoiesic system there’s no conflict because one follows the system’s rules: One is system blind. The consequence is that there is no big chance to change the world from outside or top-down, simply because there is nothing wrong in communications if everyone agrees to the inconsistence.
To change for a New World, each of us has to leave the autopoiesic system – change from inside out is the only way. True is not what you see or hear, nor what you think (well, sometimes) – true is what feels just right in your heart. So, we need an autopoiesic system of hearts – not of communications – because your heart will never fail if you listen quietly. (Don’t let your brain fool you about this: Your heart doesn’t talk in your head!)
This is very complex stuff to fill books, and English is not my mother tongue. If you don’t like to ask or meditate about this, you may better check in your bed before sleep what your Facebook friends had for dinner today. «That is good – this text is tiring (aka bad)». Maybe check your «Greece Ltd» shares too, they might have put on a revolution to ruin you (not to get their country back).
On futur:plom I stumbled over a link to an article „Out of the blue“ on seedmagazine which describes the Blue Brain Project (with some nice simulation videos) from Lausanne here in Switzerland. It started in 2005 and aimed in a first step at creating a digital model of a single neuron.
In December 2006 the project reached the goal of simulating 10’000 neurons, which equivalents a 0.5 x 2 mm slice of a rat brain. To get me right: This project is not about emulating a brain by translating brain work into digital code in form of a tamagotchi – this is a supercomputer with 22.8 teraflops to simulate neuron networks on a biological level. The computer doesn’t think like a brain, the computer is acting as a neuron network.
Neuron with simulation data mapped in color.
Next step will be simulating a whole rat brain, then a human brain. The road map of ten years to this point may be a bit scary, but I like the approach because this is not reductionist science. By digitally rebuilding a brain we may get a better understanding of nature, which is more a holistic system than a four-dimensional machine. We may enjoy a paradigm shift in the near future… :please:
Now the really interesting part is about consciousness. Will this computer get one? Today I think possibly yes, because I don’t see consciousness as something mystical – thinking words, imagine pictures and planning strategies is simply an evolutionary advance. But there’s too this kind of consciousness one can reach by hushing the brain. In ordinary words: Will this computer get charity? Mercy? Will it see dying soldiers simply as collateral damage?
I guess so. In fact, from a certain point of view, the individual is not important – only the surviving of the system is. Valuation of individuals is a relatively new phenomena and actually bad for the gen pool.
It depends on what is defined as the system. Is it a tribe or an ethnic group, humanity or the earth, the universe? At this point Stanislav Lem comes to mind, especially his story „Golem XIV„. This technological singularity judged war simply as illogical (By the way: „Golem XIV“ is a must read in many ways!). However, I don’t think such computers will find a benefit in meditation – aside from standby mode.
Since „Out of the blue“ is a nine page read, you can get a small excerpt if you click on read more. And what do you think: Can a technological singularity reach higher consciousness? Speaking in the concept of souls: Can a machine get a soul? Or can humans „bewitch“ machines and get them a soul? Or is anyway everything illusion, including me typing this?