In ‚Dying for some quiet: The truth about noise pollution‚ in the NewScientist they state that
«…the WHO’s findings suggest that long-term exposure to traffic noise may account for 3 per cent of deaths from ischaemic heart disease in Europe – typically heart attacks.»
In Europa alone probably half a million lifeyears are lost anually.
Nothing new are the facts that chronical niose pollution cause sleep disorder, hardness of hearing and learning disorders.
But really interesting is this:
A Swedish survey in Munich has shown a 25 % advancement of childrens long-term memory in th area of the airport Riem, after it was closed. Just impressive is the fact of a memory decline in the same degree in the area of the new Munich airport since it started operation.
So, what do we learn? Wearing ear muffs should be obligatory… 😐
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